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gas exhaust中文是什么意思

用"gas exhaust"造句"gas exhaust"怎么读"gas exhaust" in a sentence


  • 排气


  • The use of gas exhaust in local mine
  • Cause analysis and solution of the abnormal gas exhaust from diesel engine
  • Research on treating tail gases exhausted from diesel engine by pulse corona plasma
  • The reason of misrun and cold - lap formation in thin - walled aluminum casting is analyzed . increasing gas exhaust capacity in mould and filling velocity and controlling melt temperature are favorable methods for better effect
  • As the sealing technique and gas exhausting technique were carried out in the later manufacture stage , the technique result would relate to good finished ratio of fed , which is very important for the whole fed manufacture
  • We can go through the engine performance test , timing character test , gas exhaust test and durability test , which can be mainly used in exhaust performance test for non - road mini - engine , catalyst performance test and durability test
  • It is widely acknowledged that the automobile exhaust contributed to environment pollution . experts argue that the goverment must confine the quantity of off - gas exhaust . but i doubt whether quantitiy confined alone will solve the problem
  • We can go through the engine performance test , timing character test , gas exhaust test and durability test , which can be mainly used in exhaust performance test for non - road mini - engine , catalyst performance test and durability test
  • In this paper , the structure of fed , operation principle of fed and the manufacturing process were presented at first . emphasis of this paper was put on the investigation in low melting - point glass sealing technique and gas exhausting technique
  • When underground water is used , there is no need to equip boiler , so there is neither cold or hot wind nor waste gas exhausted into the air and the heat - island domino offect of being hotter in summer and colder in winter in the city will not happen
  • 更多例句:  1  2
用"gas exhaust"造句  


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